History & Government Quiz
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Question 1: Who is the US Senate Majority Leader?
A: Nancy Pelosi
B: Harry Reid
C: John Boehner
D: Hillary Clinton

Question 2: In what year was the Declaration of Independence signed?
A: 1742
B: 1842
C: 1776
D: 1812

Question 3: Which amendment guarantees the right to free speech?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th

Question 4: How many US Presidents were elected to more than 2 terms?
A: 0
B: 3
C: 2
D: 1

Question 5: How many ammendments does the US Constitution have?
A: 25
B: 21
C: 28
D: 27

Question 6: How is John Quincy Adams (6th president) related to John Adams (2nd president)?
A: John Quincy Adams is the son of John Adams
B: John Quincy Adams is the nephew of John Adams
C: John Quincy Adams is the grandson of John Adams
D: John Quincy Adams is the brother of John Adams

Question 7: Who is the Speaker of the House of Representatives?
A: John Boehner
B: Harry Reid
C: Nancy Pelosi
D: Hillary Clinton

Question 8: In the case of a tie vote in the Senate, who casts the tie-breaking vote?
A: Senate Majority Leader
B: Vice President of The United States
C: Secretary of State
D: President of The United States

Question 9: Name the first 5 US Presidents in the order in which they served.
A: Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison
B: Washington, Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison, Adams
C: Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe
D: Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Monroe, Madison

Question 10: Who wrote the Star Spangeled Banner
A: Francis Scott Key
B: Robert Louis Stevenson
C: Benjamin Franklin
D: Mark Twain